Resistant Watchers 

Identified as: 

● 15% of New Viewers 

● Behaviors arise 

● Attempt to escape the environment 


● Start watching the “Fun with Gemiini” videos 

● Praise appropriate behavior 

● Praise engagement in the video 

● Slowly introduce standard Gemiini Videos 

● Schedule a call with a Coach 

Resistant viewers make up about 15% of new gemiini watchers. If negative behaviors ensue when you play a gemiini video, or a child insists on leaving the room, you have a resistant watcher. For this group of children, we have created a more engaging Gemiini format known as our “Fun with Gemiini” video collection. When introducing Gemiini into your daily routine use the high interest collection. Praise all appropriate behavior and engagement in watching. For example “Nice sitting” “Good looking at the video” 

Once they tolerate Gemiini, slowly try to introduce the standard video format ONCE daily habits are established 

Regardless of viewing style, with patience and putting in place a few strategies, they can all learn from Gemiini. 

Click here to be taken to our Language QuickStart video library. Then click on the Fun with Gemiini tab.