As you begin your Gemiini journey, establishing a daily routine for Gemiini is important. 

A good guideline is to stick to one video at a time. Play the video 3x/day and allow the video to loop twice in a row at each viewing session. The goal at the end of each day is that your child watches the video six times--on average this is roughly 30 mins/day total. 

3x/day will achieve your daily goal of 6 viewings, and your weekly goal of 42 viewings. 

But please remember these are simply recommendations. Be kind to yourself--if you can’t fit 3 times a day, every day--don’t sweat it! Only have once or twice a day, let the video loop more than twice each time.  

If you have to skip a day? Its fine, we all have. We recommend getting back into your viewing routine as soon as possible. Gemiini works best if you use it consistently.  

If your child wants to watch Gemiini more often--go for it! We recommend no more than 90 mins per day.  

Click here for video instructions on how to watch Gemiini.